Friday, March 2, 2012

Initial turning out: satsanga and gatherings

Turning in for my own deepening is over. I'm now making an organized attempt, or it could be said that an effort appears to be forthcoming, to reach out and connect
with others. This looked like sharing my concept of the final duality and my experience of non-dominance of objects in my awareness at Garret's gathering in Palo Alto. last night it looked like the question put to Dorothy at her satsang in San Francisco: how are we to understand the final duality of emptiness and fullness, so that we don't get stuck? Nobie, a man from Berkeley, addresses the question as well, with an erudite answer, and I made contact with him and already have a meeting set. That is the real value of reaching out. Not so much the teacher's answer/lack of answer, but a sign to others who are ready to connect - let's do this!

Could this be the beginning of a new line of questioning? About the duality itself...about looking back...and about metaphors? 98% of questions are about emotional processing or awakening experiences. Should be interesting and inspiring to observe teacher's responses to questions that have nothing to do with "me" personally.

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