Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Great Heart touches all of us

Greg stubbed out his cigarette as I approached. Elderly, balding, and obese, I fought the urge to tell him he was a walking heart attack.

Despite his coronary arteries, he has a big heart, caring passionately about the decline of America. We chatted for a bit, and I shared about a 2007 video of Chalmers Johnson saying it was too late to fix the military-industrial complex that the U.S. has become. Now, it's five years later, and things are getting worse.
The meeting of the San Mateo American Dream Council was starting, and we went inside. Arnold was there, a tenured professor at San Jose State, and Amanda, a retired attorney. The room was filled with 50 people, half of them with advanced degrees, all of them passionate about fixing our country. I know them, we've been meeting for months, and they are all good people. But today was different.  I felt the Great Heart that connects us all.
An activist named John grabbed my hand, and started discussing how we should work together to push health care reform. Then  Arnold got me in front of the whole group to give my elevator speech about the Affordable Care Act. Everywhere I looked was the heart, and everyone was connected by it.
I thought of Akemi, who supports me unconditionally, with more love than I've ever had in my life. Janak came to mind, with his poke to look for a teacher who could reach my heart. Now the teacher is here, and yes she has done that. Everybody is collaborating to open my heart and allow me to see the magical harmony if I care to look, and my eyes are wide open!
Now I see the Great Heart, and many discrepancies are resolved. Students at the workshop described "energy" during their spiritual experiences. I have felt sensations of lightness, even a subtle sense of very fine vibration. Joy, peace, love, not just from a person or in a moment, but all pervasive and consuming - that is the Great Heart.
I have to shout out my truth about it: this is the love that creates the universe, the love that brings everything to life, and the love that gives us the desire to move ever deeper into the light. That desire! The same desire that made me burn for awakening, that was love from the Great Heart. Now I remember. I can't say enough about the Great heart, yet nothing can really be said; it has to be experienced directly, and recognized for what it is.
Those who have discovered it say it is always there, a gift waiting to be received. Every one of us will receive its fullness directly, in our time, as we wish.

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